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Why should I join the CWV if I am still independent and in good health?

People join CWV for many reasons. Some join because it is fun --  they enjoy our outings and making new friends who are retired and  still independent. Many look at the village as a kind of insurance: “I may not need it now, but it will be wonderful to have it when I do”.  Some see some immediate needs that our village can help them with.  But probably the common theme that binds us together is the idea of our community as a place we love and want to contribute to and a sense that we are all in this together.  For our community to be a place where older people can thrive we need to be ready to support each other and to support people we have yet to meet who want to age successfully in our neighborhoods.

Are there requirements to join the Cleveland Westside Village?

YES, the requirements are:

  1. 1. If you are 55 years of age or older, and

2. You live in our service area: Cleveland Westside Village Service Area, and

3. You are able to volunteer in some capacity: Volunteer Opportunities

If you meet these three requirements then you can apply to join the Cleveland Westside Village.

How do I become a member of the Cleveland Westside Village?

  1. 1. Complete the Application Form and email it to: [email protected] or mail it to:

Cleveland Westside Village

1303 W. 103rd St.

Cleveland, OH 44102

2. Attend an orientation in a group or with a member

3. Pay $75 annual membership fee. (this can be reduced for people with financial need)

Why are there dues if this is an all-volunteer organization?

Our Village has decided that because we provide each other services on a voluntary basis that it is important to provide insurance that will protect a person providing service and the officers and board in case of an accident. We also use a website, that we pay for, that allows members who need a service, to request it and make connections with someone who can provide that service.  Our annual dues are much lower than most other Villages, many of which have paid staff.